How Can Your Dental Health Affect Your Hearing?
The intricate interconnections within our bodies often mean that neglecting one area of health can lead to implications in another. A prime example of this lies in the link between dental health and hearing. It might surprise you, but poor oral hygiene can have a detrimental effect on your auditory abilities over time. Let’s explore…
How Does Potassium Affect Hearing Health?
As we ring in the new year, it’s an ideal time to focus on setting health-oriented goals. One area that deserves your attention is dietary focus, particularly consuming essential vitamins and minerals. Potassium, for instance, is not only essential for overall wellness but also plays a crucial role in maintaining hearing health. Potassium and Hearing…
Start Off Your New Year by Managing Your Tinnitus
Tinnitus, often described as a persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears, can significantly impact one’s quality of life. This condition is not uncommon; it is estimated that about 10% of Americans, equating to approximately 25 million people, have endured tinnitus episodes lasting more than five minutes over the past year. In 2024, if you’ve…
New Year Reset: Check In With Your Hearing Health
With the new year fast approaching, many people are taking up resolutions focused on improving their health. One often missed, but vital aspect of your health is your hearing health. Hearing loss affects nearly two-thirds of adults 70 years of age or older in the United States. By keeping an eye on common signs of…
What Is A Hearing Aid Dome And How Do You Care For It?
About 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. If you’re one of those individuals and are shopping for your first set, you may have learned about hearing aid domes and wondered if they are right for you. Hearing aid domes are small silicone pieces that attach to the end of…
How and Why To Dry Your Hearing Aids
Minimizing moisture damage is crucial for the functionality and longevity of your electronic devices, including hearing aids. You may wonder how best to care for your hearing aids, and part of their care is protecting them from moisture as well. There are some best practices to follow when protecting your hearing aids and drying them…
How Exercise Can Affect Your Hearing Health
Exercise is long known to have several health benefits and can even be a key to preventing presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss. According to a 2019 study, adults aged 60-69 with hearing loss had a poorer physical activity profile, linking physical activity to hearing health. So, take a stroll through Cooper Riverside Park to begin healthy…
Hearing Aids Make It Easier to Stay Social and Connected
October is Audiology Awareness Month. While the campaign is largely focused on ways to protect your hearing, it’s also about the importance of receiving audiological care. Research tells us that nearly 30 million American adults would benefit from using hearing aids. While hearing aids can help people with hearing loss in a myriad of ways,…
Tips for Storing Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are an investment in your health and well-being. People who treat their hearing loss with hearing aids report a wide variety of different benefits, including better physical and mental health and improved relationships with others. Treating your hearing loss with hearing aids lets you enjoy more of the amazing sights and activities Mobile…
How Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Life at Home
Hearing loss can be a stressful and isolating experience, but leaning on your friends and family can give you the support you need to approach treatment with confidence. Hearing aids are an effective treatment option that can help improve family communication and overall well-being. Let’s take a look at a couple of ways hearing aids…