How Does Potassium Affect Hearing Health?
As we ring in the new year, it’s an ideal time to focus on setting health-oriented goals. One area that deserves your attention is dietary focus, particularly consuming essential vitamins and minerals. Potassium, for instance, is not only essential for overall wellness but also plays a crucial role in maintaining hearing health. Potassium and Hearing…
Start Off Your New Year by Managing Your Tinnitus
Tinnitus, often described as a persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears, can significantly impact one’s quality of life. This condition is not uncommon; it is estimated that about 10% of Americans, equating to approximately 25 million people, have endured tinnitus episodes lasting more than five minutes over the past year. In 2024, if you’ve…
What Is A Hearing Aid Dome And How Do You Care For It?
About 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. If you’re one of those individuals and are shopping for your first set, you may have learned about hearing aid domes and wondered if they are right for you. Hearing aid domes are small silicone pieces that attach to the end of…
How and Why To Dry Your Hearing Aids
Minimizing moisture damage is crucial for the functionality and longevity of your electronic devices, including hearing aids. You may wonder how best to care for your hearing aids, and part of their care is protecting them from moisture as well. There are some best practices to follow when protecting your hearing aids and drying them…
Magnetic Pulses Could Provide Tinnitus Relief
In the largest U.S. clinical trial of its kind funded by the Veterans Affairs (VA) Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, researchers at the VA Portland Medical Center and Oregon Health & Science University found that transcranial magnetic stimulation significantly improved tinnitus symptoms for more than half of study participants. Their findings were published today in…
Is Tinnitus A Cause For Concern?
It’s estimated that up to 15 percent of Americans (50 million persons) might be victims of “tinnitus,” that eternal whine or ringing in one’s ears that won’t ever stop One of the clinical descriptions of tinnitus is “the perception of a sound that’s not objectively measurable.” There is no medical cure for tinnitus nor are there medicines to…
MDMA Studied For Tinnitus Treatment
The MDMA studies over the past two years have involved a small number of participants in placebo-controlled trials. Participants were given a small dose of MDMA or a placebo and monitored over a four-hour time period. They were not given enough MDMA to feel ‘high’, but many reported an easing of tinnitus after three hours. Participants who felt benefits also reported…
Deep Brain Stimulation May Relieve Tinnitus Symptoms
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) can make life miserable, but a brain implant may help, preliminary research suggests. In a phase one trial of five patients whose severe tinnitus did not respond to other treatments, deep brain stimulation (DBS) diminished the ringing in four. The fifth patient received no relief, the researchers reported. No serious…